Image and Video Storage | Flexible Vision
Image and video storage

Time Machine

Time Machine captures video replays of any event, such as a defect being detected or a part count not meeting the specification. Users can define how many seconds before and after should be captured and save videos of any event to the cloud.

Analytic Dashboard

Analytic Dashboard

The analytics reporting page displays a variety of statistics for detected tags, accuracy and speed. Filters for projects and date ranges can be customized to display up to date information.

Image Archive

Image Archive

All images and detections are saved and can be found with custom filters or by searching for a specific tag, OCR, UPC, or detection ID.

Stored Meta Data

Stored Meta Data

Detailed information on each tag detection can be found in the raw data that is stored with each image. This data can be used to drive further analytics and process improvement.

Production Line Monitoring

Production Line Monitoring

Observing each cog’s rhythmic dance, a symphony of precision unfolds on the production line’s stage. Data streams weave tales of efficiency, where every pulse is a note in the melody of progress.

Reading Packaging Information

Reading Packaging Information

Unraveling labels, decoding symbols, packaging speaks volumes untold. In the fine print lies the narrative of consumption, revealing stories of origins and ingredients bold.

Lot Code Verification

Lot Code Verification

Ensuring authenticity with every scan, Lot Code Verification guards against counterfeit intrusion, securing trust in each product’s origin and quality.

Label Application Verification

Label Application Verification

Ensuring accuracy, labels undergo meticulous verification, safeguarding reliability in every application. Each label is a testament to precision, validated through rigorous scrutiny, instilling trust in its purpose.

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